11:30 p.m., Lexington, Kentucky

My march buddie Grandpa Bob from Gnaw Bone, Indiana

First rest stop.

Truck stop diversions.

Daylight in Virginia.

Breakfast stop.

Sunny morning.

Getting impatient.

Bus captains Becki and Carol.

Guy with funny hat.

Theresa and Christie



Washington monument.


Enemy combatants prisoners.

At the pre-march rally.

Many fellow bush bashers.

Pro-war in fancy dress.

Speaks for itself.

A few more pro war in fancy dress, trying to appear threatening?

The march begins to move toward the pentagon.

Pro-war person in normal dress.

One of DC's finest.

Never out of sight.

More pro-war.

Photo-op in the middle of the bridge.

Bostonians to the rescue.

Approaching the Arlington side of the bridge.

March nears the pentagon.

The pentagon. Bigger in life than it looks in pictures.

Rocky Anderson, Salt Lake City mayor.

Lines for the portolets.

Main stage for speakers.

Media stands.

Ramsey Clark

Cindy Sheehan

Watchful, malevolent, paranoid, and a little cold.

After no problems for hours, the police decide to block protesters from taking
the direct route to the nearest metro station to go home. Harassment?

The only way out... back through Arlington to DC.

One way to keep warm.
(click here for movie)
tracey primavera of provincetown

someone from zendik (a new religion?)

Worn out.

But happy!

Lexington, KY, 5:15 a.m.

2003- 20?? -- Protest against War in Iraq