Thanksgiving Holiday, 2006

This year we gave the camera a rest for the first two days.

Leah and I got the house ready. Leah started shopping a week before the holiday then started the baking on Wednesday evening.

Becca and Jess arrived late on Wednesday night.

Thursday Leah got going with the cooking early and kept a steady beat all day. We had fine weather, so in the mid-afternoon Leah turned the cooking over to Becca and Jess so we could go for a little hike in French Park.

Dinner was festive and delicious, and later in the evening we played a few hands of Joker.

Becca and Jess stayed up all night and went shopping at 5:00 a.m.

On Friday Leah and I went car shopping, but the car place was closed, and door shopping. Then I scootered up to Montgomery.

Three generations of friends went for short rides on the scooter. Danny, his mother, Drake, and her mother, Sue, all enjoyed a scooter ride. Danny tried out the scooter for fit and function, too.

Later that afternoon, Becca and Jess got a ride, too.

Danny, ready for a ride.


Grasses at the Crittenden residence.

Purple berries.

Last flower of the season.

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