Goodbye Max, August 19, 2006

This is a placeholder for a more complete recognition to follow.

Max, even at 17 years old, purred when stroked or cuddled.

The last couple of days, we were with him as much as possible.

Saturday morning, Sneaker and Tiki had their last visits with Max.

Tiki left quickly when Max didn't respond to her usual pushiness.

Sneaker hung around longer, but eventually left, too.

We took Max to Dr. Applebaum for the final farewell.

We're planning to get a little cat statue for Max's corner of the yard.

Max's Obituary Notice (to friends and family):

Subj: passing of Max the cat  
Date: 8/19/2006 12:31:39 PM Eastern Standard Time 

Hi all,

Just a note to let you know our old friend and favorite long-haired cat Max died today.

He'd been just getting by for quite a while, having more and more trouble eating, drinking, and getting around, and his body pretty much shut down on him on Thursday. He'd already fooled us once or twice into thinking he had died, but this time we knew the end was near.

Friday Leah and Becca and I spent a lot of time with Max, and he really was fading fast. When we got up today, we saw Max was barely with us, breathing very shallow, and clearly deaf and blind and immobile. By mid-morning we decided to keep our Vet appointment so Dr. Applebaum could say goodbye and we could discuss Max's situation with his life-long care-giver. Max purred for the doctor. Our conversation with Dr. Applebaum was helpful and he showed himself, as always, to be a good friend and advisor. While we were there, Leah, Becca, and I made the decision to have Max euthanized. Leah and Becca stayed with Max to the end. I am not made of such stern stuff, so I waited outside.

Leah and Becca and I brought Max home, wrapped him in mementos, and consigned him to the earth in our back yard. We plan to get a nice kitty statue for the spot to commemorate his exemplary cat life.

Mysteriously, when we pulled into the driveway, there was a black cat sitting in the middle of our back yard. It watched us as we got out of the car, then scampered off into the woods in the furthest corner of the yard.

So it goes.

More later,


Some condolences....

Card from Clermont Vet Family Friend.

Card from Max's Vet.

Max memorial garden ornament arrives. Sneaker and Tiki are bemused.